Dehydration and Heat Stroke

The danger of dehydration and heat stroke


What is dehydration?

Dehydration can be a serious heat-related disease. It is also a dangerous side effect of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. 儿童和60岁以上的人特别容易脱水.

What causes dehydration?

Under normal conditions, we all lose body water daily through sweat, tears, breathing, urine, and stool. 对于一个健康的人来说,这些水被饮用液体和吃含水的食物所取代. 当一个人因为发烧、腹泻或呕吐而生病时,就会发生脱水. 如果一个人过度暴露在阳光下,又没有喝足够的水,也会发生这种情况. 这是由于身体失去水分和必需的身体盐, such as sodium and potassium.

有时,脱水可由药物引起,如利尿剂. These deplete body fluids and electrolytes. 不管是什么原因,脱水都应该尽快治疗.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

The following are the most common symptoms of dehydration. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

  • Thirst

  • Less-frequent urination

  • Dry skin

  • Fatigue

  • Light-headedness

  • Dizziness

  • Confusion

  • Dry mouth and mucous membranes

  • Increased heart rate and breathing

In children, additional symptoms may include:

  • Dry mouth and tongue

  • No tears when crying

  • No wet diapers for several hours

  • Sunken abdomen, eyes, or cheeks

  • Listlessness

  • Irritability

  • Skin that does not flatten when pinched and released

脱水的症状可能类似于其他医疗状况或问题. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

Treatment for dehydration

如果发现得早,脱水通常可以在医护人员的指导下在家治疗. In children, 根据脱水的原因,给予食物和液体的指示会有所不同, so it is important to talk with your child's healthcare provider.

在轻度脱水的情况下,建议通过饮用液体来补充水分. 市场上的许多运动饮料都能有效地恢复体液、电解质和盐的平衡.

For moderate dehydration, intravenous (IV) fluids may be needed. If caught early enough, simple rehydration may be effective. 严重脱水的情况应作为医疗紧急情况处理, and hospitalization, along with intravenous fluids, is necessary. Immediate action should be taken.

How can dehydration be prevented?


  • 多喝水,尤其是在阳光下工作或玩耍的时候.

  • Make sure you are taking in more fluid than you are losing.

  • 试着把户外运动安排在一天中凉爽的时候.

  • 适量饮用运动饮料,有助维持电解质平衡.

  • For infants and young children, 诸如Pedialyte之类的溶液有助于在生病或受热时维持电解质平衡. Do not try to make fluid and salt solutions at home for children.

What is heat stroke?

中暑是最严重的中暑疾病,是危及生命的紧急情况. It is the result of long, extreme exposure to the sun. 在这种情况下,一个人没有足够的出汗来降低体温. The elderly, infants, persons who work outdoors, people with mental illness, obesity, poor circulation, 而那些服用某些药物或饮酒的人最容易中暑. 这是一种发展迅速,需要立即治疗的疾病.

What causes heat stroke?

我们的身体产生大量的内热,我们通常通过出汗和通过皮肤散热来降温. However, in certain circumstances, such as extreme heat, high humidity, or vigorous activity in the hot sun, this cooling system may begin to fail. This allows heat to build up to dangerous levels.

如果一个人脱水,不能出足够的汗来冷却他或她的身体, his or her internal temperature may rise to dangerously high levels. This causes heat stroke.

What are the symptoms of heat stroke?

The following are the most common symptoms of heat stroke. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Disorientation, agitation, or confusion

  • Sluggishness or fatigue

  • Seizure

  • Hot, dry skin that is flushed but not sweaty

  • A high body temperature

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Hallucinations

中暑的症状可能类似于其他医疗状况或问题. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.


与热有关的疾病是每个在极端炎热的夏季锻炼的人都非常关心的问题. 最危险的是:年轻运动员,他们可能不知道什么时候休息和冷静下来. 了解父母可以做些什么来帮助防止他们的孩子经历与热有关的疾病.

Treatment for heat stroke

推荐十大正规网赌平台来说,立即治疗是很重要的,因为中暑会导致永久性损伤或死亡. 在等待救援到来的时候,你可以采取一些紧急的急救措施, including the following:

  • Get the person to a shaded area. 

  • 脱掉衣服,轻轻地在皮肤上涂上凉水,然后用扇子刺激出汗.

  • Apply ice packs to the groin and armpits.

  • 推荐十大正规网赌平台躺在凉爽的地方,脚稍微抬高.

  • Cool the person rapidly however you can.

静脉注射(IV)液体通常是必要的,以弥补液体或电解质的损失. 一般建议卧床休息,体温可能在中暑后数周内波动不正常.

How can heat stroke be prevented?

有一些预防措施可以帮助你免受中暑的不利影响. These include the following:

  • 在户外活动时要多喝水,尤其是在炎热的天气. Water and sports drinks are the drinks of choice. 避免含咖啡因的茶、咖啡、苏打水和酒精,因为这些会导致脱水.

  • 穿轻便、编织紧密、宽松的浅色衣服.

  • Schedule vigorous activity and sports for cooler times of the day.

  • 戴上帽子、太阳镜和雨伞,保护自己免受阳光的伤害.

  • 逐渐增加户外活动的时间,让你的身体适应高温.

  • During outdoor activities, 经常休息一下,用喷雾瓶喷一下,避免身体过热.

  • 在非常炎热和潮湿的日子里,尽量多呆在室内.

  • Never leave children or pets in closed cars on warm or sunny days. 

If you live in a hot climate and have a chronic condition, 与你的医疗保健提供者谈谈你可以采取的额外预防措施,以保护自己免受中暑.

明天的发现:控制盐和水之间的平衡. William Guggino

#明日发现:体内盐和水的失衡会导致囊性纤维化、腹泻和肾衰竭等一系列问题. Dr. Guggino和他的团队研究了移动盐和水的通道,以及它们在疾病中出了什么问题.

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